Travel Health Insurance
DR-WALTER Free Travel
Insurance Product Information Document
Company: Würzburger Versicherungs-AG Germany
This fact sheet provides you with an overview of your coverage under the travel health insurance policy DR-WALTER Free Travel. Please note that this information is not exhaustive. You will receive details from us in the insurance conditions and other travel health insurance documents. These consists of the conditions for the insurance tariff, the customer information andt the insurance policy. For comprehensive information, please read all the documents.
What type of insurance is this?
This policy is a travel health insurance for your stay abroad. It protects you against financial risks arising from the costs of, for example, outpatient or inpatient medical treatment by doctors.
What is insured?
We offer insurance cover for acute illnesses and accidents suffered during your stay abroad, e. g.:
- necessary medical treatments;
- medicine and dressing materials prescribed by a doctor;
- inpatient medical treatments including operations which cannot be postponed.
What is not insured?
Not covered, for example, are:
- Insurance cases caused intentionally by you or an insured person.
- Treatments of which it was clear at the start oft he journey that they would have to take place in case the trip was carried out as planned or treatments which were to be expected under the circumstances known to you.
- If the treatment abroad ist he sole reason or one oft he reasons for starting the trip.
Are there any restrictions on cover?
For example, coverage is limited in the following cases:
- If the insurance case was caused by gross negligence, we are entitled to reduce benefits.
Where am I covered?
- Insurance coverage applies for all persons mentioned in the insurance certificate during their stay in the host country.
- For all persons from abroad insurance coverage also applies to EU member states, including Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. However, insurance coverage does not apply in the home country of the insured person or in the country in which the insured person is habitually resident.
What are my obligations?
For example, the following obligations apply:
- You must answer all questions in the application form truthful and completely.
- You must pay your insurance premiums on time and in full.
- If an insurance case occurs, you need to give us complete and truthful information.
- You need to minimize costs of damages.
When and how do I pay?
- The first premium needs to be paid immediately after receiving the insurance certificate. All further premiums will have tob e paid at the time indicated.
When does the cover start and end?
- Insurance coverage starts on the date indicated on your insurance certificate. Insurance coverage ends with the end oft he stay abroad, at the latest on the date indicated on the insurance certificate or after 185 days.
How do I cancel the contract?
- The contract ends at the end of the agreed insurance period. A cancellation is therefore not necessary.
Consumer information
DR-WALTER Free Travel
General Customer Information
We, DR-WALTER GmbH, want to provide you as our customer with the following comprehensive information about the involved
insurance companies and the underlying insurance policies. These insurance policies are offered exclusively through DR-WALTER
GmbH and its distribution partners.
1. Type of insurance contracts
The following applies to health insurance:
Free Travel insurance is a travel health insurance for people with a follow-up contract Provisit Student. In amendment of the Special Conditions BB-AR-365/2019 – Group, the maximum insurance period is 185 Days from entry.
2. Identity of the companies involved
To offer you these insurance policies, DR-WALTER GmbH has teamed up with a renowned insurance company.
Insurance coverage for health insurance is provided by:
Würzburger Versicherungs-AG
Bahnhofstr. 11
97070 Würzburg, Germany
Headquarters: Würburg
District Court Würzburg HRB 3500
The contract and service management is carried out by:
Eisenerzstraße 34
53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany
Headquarters: Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
District Court Siegburg HRB 4701
DR-WALTER GmbH acts as an insurance agent for one or multiple clients in accordance with section 34d (1) Industrial Code. The
competent authority is IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonner Talweg 17, 53113 Bonn, T +49 228 2284 -0, F +49 228 2284 -170,,
DR-WALTER GmbH is registered in the register of insurance intermediaries under the number D-QAMW-L7NVQ-57. This entry can be
reviewed online at or in the Register of Insurance Brokers (Versicherungsvermittlerregister) at Deutscher
Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e. V., Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, T +49 (0) 180 600 585-0, (landline price €0.20 / call;
mobile phone prices maximum €0.60 / call). DR-WALTER GmbH has a direct interest of 100% in the voting rights of DR-WALTER
Versicherungsmakler GmbH. No insurance company or parent company of an insurance company has a direct or indirect interest of
more than 10% in voting rights or capital of DR-WALTER GmbH.
3. Authorized representatives of the companies involved
The legal representative of Würzburger Versicherungs-AG is the Management Board.
The legal representative of DR-WALTER GmbH are the managing directors.
4. Main business activity of the insurers
The Würzburger Versicherungs-AG is in its main business activity on the travel, liability, accident and property insurance for
specializing in private households.
Legal and financial supervision is carried out by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority), Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany.
5. Guarantee and security fund
Does not apply to Würzburger Versicherungs-AG.
6. Key features of the benefits
The General and Special Conditions of Insurance (AVB) describe type and scope of the insurance benefits and contain all other
The entire content is derived from the following documents:
- General Insurance Conditions for international health insurance (AVB-AR-365 / 2019)
- Spezial Conditions for international health insurance (BB-AR 2019)
- Additional component: Home Country Coverage for International Health Insurance
The data to be provided by you and any documents to be submitted serve in particular to specify the desired insurance coverage.
Collateral agreements (e.g., verbal commitments made by your insurance agent) are only binding if they are confirmed in writing by
DR-WALTER GmbH or the insurance company involved.
7. Total price of insurance
The premiums are daily premiums. These are due in advance at the beginning of each insured calendar month. The total
premium consists of the individual premiums of the selected insurance policies. Based on your selection, the total premium will be
shown on our website, as well as in the consultation protocol and your insurance certificate.
The premiums for health and long-term care insurance are free of tax in accordance with section 4 no. 5 Insurance Tax Act (VersStg).
8. Taxes, fees and expenses
There are no taxes, fees or charges.
9. Details of payment of premiums
The premium is a daily premium and is due in advance at the beginning of each insured calendar month.
10. Validity of the information provided
The information provided is generally not limited in time.
11. Conclusion of the contract
The insurance contract comes into effect with two mutual declarations of intent. Your declaration of intent is the application or in case of a distance contract, your respective contractual declaration; our declaration of intent is the insurance policy. The contract comes into legal effect when you receive the insurance policy.
The insurance coverage starts with the payment of the premium due (first premium), but no earlier than the agreed start of insurance. If the first premium is not paid in time but at a later date, insurance coverage does not start before this date. This does not apply, however, if you can prove that you are not responsible for default of payment or late payment.
12. Information on the right of revocation in accordance with section 8 (2) no. 2 German Insurance Contract Act (VVG)
Right of revocation
You can revoke your contractual declaration in writing (e.g., letter, fax, email) without giving reasons within two weeks after
conclusion of the contract. The period shall commence after you have received the insurance policy, the policy provisions including
the general insurance conditions, the further information in accordance with section 7 (1) and (2) of the German Insurance Contract
Act (VVG) in combination with section 1 to 4 of the VVG Decree on the Duty to Inform (VVG InfoV) and this instruction, each in
writing. Timely sending of the revocation statement is sufficient for complying with the revocation period.
Please send your revocation to
Würzburger Versicherungs-AG
Eisenerzstraße 34
53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
T +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -0
F +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 – 40
Consequences of revocation
In case of an effective revocation, you are no longer bound to the contract. If insurance cover was provided prior to the end of the
revocation period, the insurer is entitled to the part of the premium attributable to the time until the revocation is received. Any
premiums paid in addition to that shall be refunded by the insurer.
You can use the following text sample for your revocation:
I hereby revoke the contract I concluded.
Insurance policy number:
Concluded on:
Name of the policyholder:
Address of the policyholder:
Signature of the policyholder (in case of written notification):
Special notes
Your right of revocation is excluded if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you
have exercised your right of revocation.
End of information on the right of revocation
13. Contract period
The possible duration of the contract can be found in the application. The insurance contract ends at the end of the last day of
agreed contract duration, but no longer than 185 days. For details on the term and end of the contract, please refer to the product information sheet.
14. Information on the termination of the contract
The insurance contract ends at the end of the last day of the agreed contract period, but no later than 185 days. Termination by the policyholder is possible at any time without observing a notice period.
15. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
The contract is subject to German law and German jurisdiction. Should it ever be necessary to resolve a dispute in court, you can file
suit in the courts with the following local jurisdiction:
- Your place of residence or habitual residence,
- Würzburg as the headquarters of Würzburger Versicherungs-AG against Würzburger Versicherungs-AG,
- The court of your place of residence or habitual residence shall have jurisdiction over any action brought against you,
- In the event of departure to a foreign country outside the European Union / European Economic Area, the place of jurisdiction
shall be Würzburg for lawsuits against Würzburger Versicherungs-AG. The same applies if your place of residence or
habitual residence is unknown.
16. Languages
Our correspondence with you will be both in English and German.
17. Appeal proceedings
In the event of a disagreement, please contact DR-WALTER GmbH.
Our contact data are:
Eisenerzstraße 34
53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
T +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -0
F +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -40
We will try to find a mutually acceptable solution as quickly as possible. If we don’t succeed in this endeavor, you can also contact an
extra-judicial arbitrator:
Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
Postfach 08 06 32
10006 Berlin
T 0800 3 696 000 (free of charge from German telephone networks)
T +49 (0) 30 206058 99 (from abroad)
F 0800 3 699 000 (free of charge from German telephone networks)
F +49 (0) 30 206058 98 (from abroad)
For more information, please go to
This ombudsman is both responsible for extra-judicial arbitration in the event of a dispute arising from insurance contracts with
consumers and between insurance brokers and policyholders. The policyholder’s right to take legal action shall remain unaffected
In addition, you can file a complaint with the
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
T +49 (0) 228 41080
F +49 (0) 228 4108 1550
General Insurance Conditions for International Health Insurance (AVB-AR-365/2019)
1. What is covered?
1. Würzburger provides insurance coverage for illness, accidents and other events mentioned in the present conditions for the person(s) mentioned in the insurance policy. We will reimburse the costs for urgent necessary medical treatment and other agreed services only on site at the respective whereabouts abroad for insured events that happen abroad. The policy can be purchased for individuals or families. Relatives as defined by this tariff include – unless entered with name in the insurance policy – your partner and any dependent children permanently living in the joint household until they reach the age of 18.
2. Covered as defined herein is the medically necessary treatment of an insured person because of acute and unexpected illnesses or consequences of an accident after the commencement of the insurance policy. The insured event starts with the treatment; it ends if treatment is no longer necessary according to the respective medical findings. Insured events are also return transports that are medically necessary or were ordered by a physician as well as death. If the treatment needs to be extended to include another illness or consequence of an accident not causally related to the previously treated one, this will be regarded as a new insured event.
3. The scope of insurance consists of the insurance policy, the application form, any additional written agreements or special conditions, the General Insurance Conditions as well as the laws and regulations applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany. This is particularly true for the laws listed in the annex, which are part of the insurance contract in accordance with the Insurance Conditions.
4. a) The following applies for travels from Germany:
The insurance coverage applies worldwide for insured events taking place during the insured trip outside of Germany (abroad). All persons with a permanent residence in Germany can be insured.
b) The following applies for travels to Germany:
The insurance coverage applies in EU countries as well as Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatikan City. All persons without a permanent residence in Germany can be insured.
5. The insurance coverage applies for the period stipulated in the insurance policy, but not longer than one year for private travels abroad. So-called ‘incentive travels’ are not regarded as business travels abroad. The insurance coverage for foreign companies and trade fair visitors in the Federal Republic of Germany applies for the period stipulated in the insurance policy, but no longer than 30 days. Insured persons can be employees of companies, authorities and associations. Despite paying premiums, persons who carry out physical labor cannot be insured irrespective of their profession.
6. Insurable are persons until they reach the age of 69.
7. This insurance policy is an indemnity insurance with a fix premium.
2. When does the insurance coverage start?
1. The insurance coverage starts on the agreed date (start of insurance), but no earlier than the conclusion of the insurance contract and not until payment of the premium.
a) If a direct debit mandate is granted, the premium is considered paid when Würzburger receives the direct debit mandate and if the debit was collected after being presented to the bank.
b) If the premium is paid by credit card, it is deemed to be paid if positive authorization is received from your credit card company.
2. Insured events that took place prior to the start of the insurance coverage are not covered.
3. When do I conclude the contract and how long is it valid?
1. a) The insurance contract must be concluded prior to the start of the trip. In case of insurance contracts that were concluded after a trip abroad has already started, insurance coverage only applies if a new trip abroad is started.
b) For travels to Germany, the insurance contract can also be concluded within 10 days after the insured person has entered Germany. In this case the insurance coverage shall commence at the date mentioned in the insurance policy or at the date agreed in the insurance application (insurance start date), but no earlier than the day after the insurer received the insurance application (00:00) and not before conclusion of the insurance contract and payment of the insurance premium.
c) (1) If the initial application was for a shorter insurance period, an extension up to the maximum insurance period can be applied for during the current insurance contract period. The application must be submitted before the insurance contract expires. Our explicit consent is required for an extension.
(2) If the contract is extended, insurance cover will only be provided for insured events, illnesses, complaints and their consequences which have occurred after application for extension.
2. The insurance contract is valid for the duration stipulated in the insurance policy, but no longer than 365 days.
3. The insurance contract ends with the death of the policyholder. In case of a family insurance, however, the insured persons shall be entitled to continue the insurance contract by naming the future policyholder. A respective declaration is to be sent within two months after the death of the policyholder.
4. The insurance contract ends when the insured person moves to a place outside our area of activity, unless otherwise agreed.
5. When an insured person reaches the age of 69, the insurance contract for this person will expire at the end of the current insurance year.
4. Which costs will be reimbursed?
1. The insured person is free to choose from physicians and dentists accredited and licensed in the host country.
2. Medicine, dressing materials and remedies need to be prescribed by the treating practitioners mentioned in paragraph 1.
3. In case of medically necessary inpatient treatment, the insured person is free to choose from hospitals which are under constant medical supervision and use methods scientifically recognized in Germany or the country of stay.
4. Refundable are
1. Medically necessary costs for
a) outpatient medical treatment by a physician (does not apply for treatments by non-medical practitioners), including diagnostic radiology;
b) prescription drugs, remedies and dressing material prescribed by a physician, except for massages, medicinal baths and poultices. The term medicine does not include nutriments and strengthening supplements, cosmetic products and the like, even if they are prescribed by the treating practitioner and include medicinal substances; certain medicine-like nutriments that are imperative in order to avoid serious health damage (e. g. in case of enzyme deficiency diseases, Crohn’s disease and cystic fibrosis), are, however, considered as medicine. The expenses for remedies during the insurance period are refundable up to € 250.
c) dental treatment for pain relief and simple fillings (amalgam fillings) as well as repair of existing dentures;
d) inpatient treatment in a hospital including operations and ancillary costs of operations in hospitals which are under constant medical supervision and use methods scientifically recognized in Germany or the host country;
e) transport to the nearest appropriate hospital for the purpose of inpatient treatment;
f) rental costs for medically prescribed aids which become necessary as a result of an accident and are used for the medical treatment of the consequences of the accident, up to € 500 per claim. Visual aids and hearing aids are excluded. If a loan is not possible, we will reimburse the purchase price.
No claim for compensation can be made if the policyholder or the policyholder’s insured can claim compensation from any other own or external insurance contract that was concluded prior to or after the conclusion of this present contract. This is particularly true with regard to general insurance policies such as health insurance or roadside assistance and also if these policies already include a subsidiarity clause. With regard to such policies, our insurance policy is deemed a more specified insurance. If the other insurance company denies its liability to pay in writing, we will, however, make an advance payment in accordance with the present contract. The policyholder or the policyholder’s insured shall make every possible and reasonable effort in helping us to pursue claims against other insurers.
2. Additional expenses
a) or the return transport of an insured person who has fallen ill, if the transport is medically necessary or prescribed by a physician, from abroad to the country where the insured person has his / her permanent residence if sufficient medical treatment is not guaranteed abroad and if the return transport becomes necessary during the course of a medical treatment for which we are obliged to pay. Provided there are no medical reasons against it, the insured person needs to choose the most cost-effective means of transport. The travel expenses saved because of the return transport will be set off against the insurance benefits.
b) for costs arising from transport of the mortal remains of an insured person to his / her home country or burial at the place of death up to € 30,000.
5. What are the benefit exclusions?
1. There is no liability to pay in the following cases:
a) if it was certain prior to the journey that a treatment would have to take place under normal circumstances, unless the death of a spouse or a first degree relative was the reason for the journey;
b) illnesses and their consequences as well as consequences of an accident that were the reason for traveling abroad;
c) treatments due to employment abroad;
d) treatment of mental and emotional disorders and illnesses, psychosomatic treatment (e.g. hypnosis, autogenic training) and psychotherapy;
e) childbirth, abortion as well as examinations and treatments due to pregnancy;
f) costs for the treatment of pre-existing conditions, including chronic diseases, unless there is an acute and unforeseen deterioration in the state of health;
g) health damage and death caused by war and unrest. There is, however, insurance coverage if the insured person faces sudden and unexpected war or civil war. Such insurance coverage expires at the end of the 7th day after the outbreak of war or civil war in the country where the insured person stays;
h) diseases or accidents based on intent, including suicide, attempted suicide and addiction (e.g. alcohol, drugs, etc.), as well as the consequences of such diseases or accidents and detoxification and withdrawal treatments;
i) housing due to need for long-term care or keeping;
j) treatment at a health resort and at a sanitarium as well as rehabilitation measures;
k) examination or treatment methods and medicine that are neither scientifically recognized in the respective country of stay nor in the patient’s home country;
l) dental treatment that goes beyond treatment for pain relief, repair of dentures and temporary solutions, like new dentures including dental crowns, dental cosmetics and orthodontics;
m) for medical treatment and other medically prescribed measures where the insured person was aware at the start of the insured stay that they had to take place for medical reasons when the insured stay was scheduled to take place (e.g. dialysis).
2. If a medical treatment or any other measure for which benefits were agreed exceeds the medically necessary amount or if the costs of such treatment are not appropriate according to the circumstances at the travel destination, Würzburger can reduce its benefits to an appropriate amount.
3. Würzburger will refund the costs of medical treatment up to the day until the insured person is suitable for transport, in total up to 90 days from the start of treatment if a return transport is not possible until the end of the insured trip because the insured person is not able to be transported.
6. When will the benefits be paid?
1. Würzburger is obliged to pay if original invoices are provided along with the necessary receipts, documents or proof; they will become property of Würzburger. If original receipts, documents or proof are presented to another insurer for reimbursement, duplicates of the invoices are sufficient if they include notes by the other insurer about its benefits or its refusal to pay. On our request, the insured person has to provide German translations for any foreign language receipt, document or proof relevant for payment of benefits.
2. All receipts, documents or proof need to include: name of the treating physician, first name, surname and date of birth of the treated person as well as the disease name together with the individual medical services and treatment data; the prescriptions need to include exact information about the prescribed medicine, the price and a statement that the payment was received. In case of dental treatment, the documents need to include a description of the treated teeth and the respective treatment.
3. As proof of the medical necessity of the return transport, the insured person has to provide a medical certificate. In addition to the reasons for medical necessity of the return transport, the medical certificate also has to include the exact disease name.
4. Where asserting a claim for transport costs of mortal remains and funeral expenses, the insured person has to provide an official or medical certificate with information about the cause of death.
5. Würzburger is entitled to pay benefits to the messenger or bearer of proper evidence unless Würzburger has good reasons to doubt the legitimacy of the messenger or bearer.
6. The expenses incurred in foreign currency are converted into euro at the exchange rate in effect on the transaction date on which Würzburger receives the receipts, documents or proof. The rate in effect on the transaction date for traded currencies is the official rate of exchange in Frankfurt / Main; for non-traded currencies, the most recent exchange rate quoted in the latest issue of “Currency of the World” published by the German Federal Bank in Frankfurt / Main shall be used, unless it can be verified that the foreign currencies necessary to pay the invoices were acquired at an unfavorable exchange rate caused by a change of currency parities.
7. Expenses for the bank transfer of benefits – except for bank transfers to an account in Germany – can be subtracted from the benefits.
8. Insurance claims can neither be assigned nor pledged.
7. When does the insurance coverage end?
1. The insurance coverage ends – also for pending insured events – when the respective stay abroad or insurance contract ends or at the end of the return transport in accordance with clause 4 par. 4 (2 a), but no later than at the end of the insurance coverage.
2. If a return journey is not possible due to medical reasons within the period for which we provide insurance coverage, the benefit period is extended by a maximum 90 days from the start of treatment until a return transport no longer poses a health risk to the insured person.
8. How does the payment of premiums work?
The policyholder has to pay the first or single premium immediately after receipt of the insurance policy, but no earlier than the start of insurance as stipulated in the insurance policy. All other premiums (renewal premiums) are payable on the respectively agreed due date. If the first or single premium is not paid in time, the regulations in § 37 German Insurance Contract Act will be applied, i.e. Würzburger can withdraw from the contract. If a renewal premium is not paid in time, the regulations in § 38 German Insurance Contract Act will apply.
9. What to do in the event of a claim (obligations)?
1. The insured person is obliged to avoid anything that could lead to an unnecessary increase of costs.
2. The policyholder or the insured person has to hand in all receipts, documents or proof by the end of the third month after the end of the journey.
3. At the request of Würzburger, the policyholder or the insured person has to provide any information necessary to determine the occurrence of an insured event or a liability to pay by Würzburger and its extent.
4. At the request of Würzburger, the insured person is obliged to be examined by a physician appointed by Würzburger.
5. At the request of Würzburger, the policyholder or the insured person is obliged to enable us to collect all necessary information. For this purpose, he / she needs to authorize Würzburger to collect information at any time on the following: diseases, consequences of an accident and ailments that the policyholder or the insured person suffered from in the past, is suffering from at present or which started prior to the end of the contract; any personal insurance policies that were applied for, are existing or were completed. For this purpose, Würzburger is authorized to ask physicians, dentists, non-medical practitioners, any kind of hospital, insurance institutions, health authorities and pension offices. They are to be released from their physician-patient privilege and are to be authorized to provide all necessary information to Würzburger.
6. In the event of a claim and at the request of Würzburger, the policyholder or the insured person have to provide evidence about the start and end of every individual trip abroad.
10. What are the consequences of a breach of obligations?
If the policyholder or the insured person intentionally fails to provide information or provides false information contrary to the contractual arrangements or if the policyholder or the insured person fails to provide the insurer with the requested receipts, documents or proof or if they breach other contractual obligations, the policyholder or the insured person shall lose their right to benefits. If the policyholder or the insured person breaches these obligations with gross negligence, the policyholder or the insured person does not lose their right in full, but the insurer can reduce its performance according to the severity of the breach. There will be no reduction if the policyholder or the insured person proves that the policyholder or the insured person did not breach the obligation with gross negligence. Despite your breach of the obligation to provide information and receipts, documents or proof, the insurer is still liable to pay if the policyholder or the insured person prove that the intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligations was neither the cause for the determination of the insured event nor for the determination or scope of the liability to pay. The insurer is exempt from performance in full or in part if the obligation to provide information, which has been in place after an insured event takes place, was breached and if the insurer did provide the policyholder or the insured person with a separate written notification about this legal consequence. If the policyholder or the insured person fraudulently breaches the obligation to provide information and receipts, documents or proof, the insurer will be exempt from performance in any case.
11. When is Würzburger exempt from performance?
Würzburger is exempt from performance if the policyholder or an insured person tries to deceive the insurer with regard to circumstances that are relevant for the cause or the amount of the benefits.
12. What happens in case of claims against third parties?
1. If the policyholder or an insured person has claims for compensation against third parties that are not insurance-related, he / she is obliged to assign these claims in writing to the insurer up to the amount that compensation is paid in accordance with the insurance contract, irrespective of the legal subrogation in accordance with § 86 VVG (German Insurance Contract Act). The policyholder or the insured person has to protect his / her claim for compensation or a right to secure this claim considering the existing procedural conditions and time limits under the law and, if necessary, support the insurer to enforce the claim. If the policyholder or the insured person intentionally breaches this obligation, the insurer is not liable to pay since it cannot obtain compensation from third parties as a result of such a breach. In case of a grossly negligent breach of the obligation, the insurer is entitled to reduce its benefits according to the severity of the fault of the policyholder or the fault of the insured person; the burden of proof for the non-existence of a grossly negligent behavior lies with the policyholder or the insured person.
2. If the insured person has received compensation for the expenses incurred to him / her by third parties obliged to pay damages, Würzburger is entitled to set off the compensation against its benefits.
13. When can claims be set off?
The policyholder can only set off against claims by Würzburger if the counterclaim is uncontested or has been legally established.
14. What do I need to keep in mind when I contact Würzburger?
The policyholder or the insured person needs to provide all declarations of intent and notifications to Würzburger in writing. Insurance brokers are not entitled to receive such documents.
15. How can I cancel the contract after a loss event?
1. After the occurrence of an insured event, both parties can cancel the insurance contract. The notice of cancellation needs to be in writing and has to be received not later than one month after the completion of the insured event. Würzburger has to give a one month notice to cancel; our cancellation will never enter into force prior to the end of the ongoing trip. If the policyholder cancels the contract, he / she can decide if his / her cancellation will enter into force immediately or at a later point in time, but no later than the end of the ongoing insurance period.
2. If Würzburger has cancelled the contract, we are obliged to reimburse the respective part of the premium for the insurance period that has not yet ended.
16. Which court is responsible?
For actions against Würzburger arising from the insurance contract, the responsible court depends on the location of Würzburger’s head office or its branch offices responsible for the insurance contract. Local responsibility also lies with the court in whose district you have your residence or, in the absence of such, your habitual residence at the time the action is brought. Actions against the policyholder arising from the insurance contract need to be filed with the court responsible for his / her residence or, in the absence of such, his / her habitual residence.
17. Contact address of Würzburger
Würzburger Versicherungs-AG, Bahnhofstr. 11, 97070 Würzburg, Germany
General information
Obligation to mitigate your losses and notice of claim
Please use our 24-hour emergency hotline and consult in time with the insurer responsible for organization, service and claims payments before any cost-incurring measures take place. This way, you can often avoid unnecessary additional expenses and therefore fulfill your obligation to mitigate your losses. If you call to report damage, you also need to provide your insurers with the documents necessary for claims settlement after your return (in accordance with the insurance conditions).
Subsidiarity clause
If a third party is liable to pay in the event of a claim or if compensation can be claimed from other insurance contracts, such liabilities to pay are primary. This applies in particular for benefits from compulsory health insurance and state aid. If compensation can be claimed from other insurance contracts, you are free to choose to which insurer you report the damage.
What is a trip?
A trip is every absence from the permanent residence up to a maximum duration of successive 365 days. Permanent residence is the domestic location where the policyholder is registered and usually resides.
International Health Insurance (BB-AR 2019) – Special Conditions
By way of derogation from the General Insurance Conditions AVB-AR-365/2019, the following conditions apply:
Special Conditions BB-AR-365 / 2019 – GRUPPE
Clauses 3.1 c), 5.1 f) and 5.1 m) of the General Conditions of Insurance for Travel Health Insurance Abroad (AVB-AR-365 / 2019) shall not apply.
Contrary to clause 4.4.1. b) of AVB-AR-365 / 2019, non-prescription drugs, bandages and remedies are also insured on the basis of a doctor’s prescription.
The limit of € 250 for prescribed remedies does not apply.
In addition to clause 4.4.1. f), medically necessary crutches and rental of a wheelchair are also reimbursable if they are not prescribed as a result of an accident.
The maximum term of the insurance is 365 days.
A closed group of travelers consists of at least 10 persons with a joint travel registration/booking and a joint travel date and destination, e.g. clubs, associations, school classes and other closed groups of travelers. In addition to individual groups, companies and organizations can also conclude a framework agreement and then enroll individuals for insurance. Interns who carry out physical labor within their internship can also be insured. In exceptional cases, we also provide insurance to individuals older than 68 years.
Additional component: Home Country Coverage for International Health Insurance (only valid with a special agreement)
By way of derogation from or in expansion of the General Insurance Conditions for International Health Insurance (AVB-AR), the following extension of coverage (if agreed) applies:
Temporary stays in the home country up to a total duration of 2 weeks are also deemed insured.
Law excerpts
§ 8 Policyholder’s right of revocation
(1) The policyholder may revoke his contractual agreement within 14 days. The policyholder shall declare his revocation to the insurer in writing, but need not state any reason; timely dispatch shall suffice for compliance with the time limit.
(2) The revocation period shall begin at such time as the policyholder receives the following documents in writing:
1. the insurance policy and the terms of contract, including the general terms and conditions of insurance, as well as the other information in accordance with section 7 (1) and (2), and
2. a clearly worded instruction regarding the right of revocation and the legal consequences of the revocation which makes clear to the policyholder his rights commensurate with the requirements of the means of communication employed, and the names of the person to whom the revocation is to be declared, with an address at which documents may be served, as well as a note making reference to the commencement of the revocation period and to the rules set out in subsection (1), second sentence.
(3) The right of revocation shall not apply
1. to contracts of insurance with a term of less than one month,
2. to contracts of insurance for provisional cover, unless they are distance contracts within the meaning of section 312b (1) and (2) of the German Civil Code,
§ 14 Due date of the payment
(1) Payments of the insurer are due after the end of the assessment required to determine the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of compensation payable by the insurer.
(2) If such assessment is not finished after expiry of one month since the notification of the insured event, the policyholder can request payment by installments amounting to the minimum that the insurer can be expected to be required to pay. The period shall be suspended as long as the assessment cannot be finished due to a fault of the policyholder.
(3) Any agreement under which the insurer is exempt from his obligation to pay default interest shall be invalid.
§ 19 Duty of disclosure
(1) The policyholder shall disclose to the insurer before making his contractual acceptance the risk factors known to him which are relevant to the insurer’s decision to conclude the contract with the agreed content and which the insurer has requested in writing. If, after receiving the policyholder’s contractual acceptance and before accepting the contract, the insurer asks such questions as are referred to in the first sentence, the policyholder shall also be under the duty of disclosure as regards these questions.
(2) If the policyholder breaches his duty of disclosure under subsection (1), the insurer may withdraw from the contract.
§ 28 Breach of a contractual obligation
(1) In case of a breach of a contractual obligation towards the insurer that the policyholder needs to fulfill prior to the occurrence of the insured event, the insurer may cancel the contract without notice within one month from the time he becomes aware of the breach, unless the breach is not the result of intention or gross negligence.
(2) Where the contract stipulates that the insurer is exempt from its liability to pay in case of a breach of a contractual obligation that the policyholder needs to fulfill, the insurer is only exempt from its liability to pay if the policyholder has deliberately breached the obligation. In the event of a grossly negligent breach of the obligation, the insurer shall be entitled to reduce his benefits according to the severity of the fault of the policyholder; the burden of proof for the non-existence of a grossly negligent behavior lies with the policyholder.
(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the insurer is obliged to pay if the breach of the obligation was neither the cause for the occurrence or determination of the insured event nor for the determination or scope of the insurer’s liability to pay. Sentence 1 shall not apply if the policyholder has fraudulently breached the obligation.
(4) Where an obligation to provide information is breached after the occurrence of the insured event, the insurer’s full or partial exemption from performance according to paragraph 2 requires that the insurer has informed the policyholder in writing by separate notification about this legal consequence.
(5) An agreement based on which the insurer is entitled to withdraw from the contract in the event of the non-observance of an incidental obligation shall be void.
§ 37 Delayed payment of first insurance premium
(1) If the single premium or the first premium is not paid in good time, the insurer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract as long as the payment has not been made, unless the policyholder is not responsible for the non-payment.
(2) If the single premium or first premium has not been paid when the insured event occurs, the insurer shall not be obligated to effect payment, unless the policyholder is not responsible for the non-payment. The insurer shall only be released from liability if he had informed the policyholder of the legal consequence of non-payment of the premium in writing in a separate communication or by means of a conspicuous note in the insurance policy.
§ 38 Delayed payment of subsequent premium
(1) If a subsequent premium is not paid in good time, the insurer may set the policyholder a payment deadline of no less than two weeks at his expense and in writing. The setting of the deadline shall only be effective if it details the individual amounts of the premium which are in arrears, the interest and costs, as well as quoting the legal consequences associated in accordance with subsections (2) and (3)with expiry of the time limit; in the case of consolidated contracts, the amounts must be quoted separately.
(2) If the insured event occurs after the deadline expires, and if the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment of the premium or of the interest or costs, the insurer shall not be obligated to effect payment.
(3) The insurer may, after the deadline expires, terminate the contract without prior notice insofar as the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment of the due amounts. The termination can be linked to the setting of the payment deadline in such a way that it becomes effective once the deadline expires if the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment at that point in time; the policyholder must be explicitly informed of this in the termination. The termination shall become void if the policyholder makes the payment within one month after the contract has been terminated or, if it has been linked to the setting of a deadline, within one month after the deadline expires; subsection (2) shall remain unaffected.
§ 86 Subrogation of claims for compensation
(1) Where the policyholder has a claim for compensation against a third party, the insurer is subrogated to this claim if he compensates the damage. This subrogation cannot be asserted to the policyholder’s disadvantage.
(2) The policyholder has to assert his / her claim for compensation or any right to secure this claim properly and in due time and assist the insurer, as far as necessary, in enforcing such claim for compensation. Where the policyholder breaches this obligation intentionally, the insurer is exempt from his liability to pay insofar as he can consequently not claim compensation from the third party. In case of a grossly negligent breach of obligations, the insurer is entitled to reduce his benefits according to the severity of the policyholder’s fault. The burden of proof for the non-existence of a grossly negligent behavior lies with the policyholder.
(3) If the policyholder’s claim for compensation is against a person with whom he / she lived in cohabitation when the damage occurred, the subrogation in accordance with paragraph 1 cannot be asserted unless this person has intentionally caused the damage.
§ 193 Insured person; obligatory insurance
(1) The health insurance may be taken out for the policyholder or for another person. The insured person shall be that person for whom the insurance is taken out.
(2) Where the knowledge and the conduct of the policyholder are of legal significance under this Act, in the case of insurance for another person, account shall also be taken of the knowledge and conduct of that person.
(3) Each person with a place of residence in Germany shall be obligated to conclude and maintain with an insurance company licensed to operate in Germany for himself and for the persons legally represented by him, insofar as they are not themselves able to conclude contracts, a cost-of-illness insurance which comprises at least a cost refund for outpatient and inpatient treatment and in which the absolute and percentage excesses for outpatient and inpatient treatment which have been agreed for services covered by the respective tariff for each person to be insured are limited to an amount of Euro 5,000 per calendar year; for persons entitled to medical expenses assistance, the possible excesses emerge through the analogous application of the percentage not covered by the rate of medical expenses assistance to the maximum amount of Euro 5,000. The obligation in accordance with the first sentence shall not apply to persons who
1. are insured or subject to obligatory insurance in statutory health insurance, or
2. have a right to free treatment, to medical expenses assistance or to comparable rights to the extent of the respective entitlement, or
3. have a right to benefits in accordance with the Asylum-Seekers Benefits Act, or
4. are recipients of recurrent benefits in accordance with the Third, Fourth and Seventh Chapters of Social Code Book XII, and recipients of benefits in accordance with Part 2 of Social Code Book IX, for the duration of the receipt of such benefits and during periods of an interruption of the receipt of benefits of less than one month if the receipt of benefits commenced prior to 1 January 2009.
A cost-of-illness insurance contract agreed prior to 1 April 2007 shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the first sentence.
§ 194 Applicable provisions
(1) Insofar as the insurance cover is granted in accordance with the principles of indemnity insurance, sections 74 to 80 and sections 82 to 87 shall apply. Sections 23 to 27 and section 29 shall not apply to health insurance. Section 19 (4) shall not apply to health insurance if the policyholder is not responsible for the breach of the duty of disclosure. Notwithstanding section 21 (3), first sentence, the time limit for asserting the insurer’s rights shall be three years.
(2) If the policyholder or an insured person is entitled to the repayment of remuneration paid without legal basis to the provider of services for which the insurer has paid compensation on the basis of the contract of insurance, section 86 (1) and (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(3) Sections 43 to 48 shall apply to health insurance with the proviso that only the insured person may demand payment of the insurance benefit if the policyholder has designated him in writing to the insurer as the beneficiary of the insurance benefit; such designation may be revocable or irrevocable. Where this condition is not met, only the policyholder may demand payment of the insurance benefit. The insurance policy need not be presented.
§ 195 Period of insurance
(1) Health insurance which may wholly or partially substitute for health and long-term nursing care insurance cover provided for in the statutory social insurance system (substitutive health insurance) shall be for an indefinite period, unless subsections (2) and (3) and sections 196 to 199 provide otherwise. Where the non-substitutive health insurance cover is provided in the manner of life insurance, the first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(2) In the case of vocational training, overseas, travel and residual debt health insurance, a period of contract may be agreed.
(3) In the case of health insurance for a person with a temporary residence permit for Germany, agreement may be reached to the effect that the insurance will expire after five years at the latest. If a shorter term has been agreed, a similar new contract may only be concluded with a maximum term that does not exceed five years when added to the term of the expired contract; this shall also apply if the new contract is concluded with another insurer.
§ 205 Termination of the contract by the policyholder
(3) If the contract of insurance provides that when the policyholder reaches a certain age or when other preconditions referred to therein are met the premium for another age or another age group applies or the premium is calculated taking old age reserves into account, the policyholder may terminate the insurance agreement with regard to the affected insured person within two months after the change with effect from the time it became effective if the premium increases as a result.
(4) If the insurer increases the insurance premium or reduces a benefit on account of an adjustment clause, the policyholder may terminate the insurance policy with regard to the affected insured person within two months after receipt of the communication of the change with effect from such time as the increase in the premium or the reduction of the benefits is to take effect.
§ 213 Collection of personal health data from third parties
(1) The insurer is only allowed to collect personal health data from the following third parties: physicians, any kind of hospitals, nursing homes and staff, other personal insurance providers and providers of compulsory health insurance as well as employers’ liability insurance associations and authorities; such collection of data is only allowed if knowledge of said data is necessary to assess the insured risk or the liability to pay and if the affected party has given his / her declaration of consent.
(2) The declaration of consent in accordance with paragraph 1 can be given prior to issuing the contract statement. The affected person must be informed about data collection as stipulated in paragraph 1 and may object to the collection.
(3) The affected person can request at any time that a collection of data is only carried out if he / she gave his / her consent for each individual data collection.
(4) The affected person must be informed about his / her rights, in particular about the right of objection in accordance with paragraph 2 when being informed about data collection.
§ 153 Hardship tariff
(1) Non-payers within the meaning of section 193 (7) of the German Insurance Contract Act form a tariff within the meaning of section 155 (3) sentence 1. The hardship tariff provides for the reimbursement of expenses solely in connection with benefits necessary for the treatment of serious illness and pain and those associated with pregnancy and maternity. By way of derogation from the above provision, expenses for insured children and young persons, in particular expenses for preventive medical examinations aimed at the early discovery of illnesses under statutory programmes and for immunisation recommended by the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (Ständige Impfkommission – STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute under section 20 (2) of the German Protection against Infection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz – IfSG) must be reimbursed.
(2) A standard premium must be calculated for all insured persons under the hardship tariff; section 146 (1) nos. 1 and 2 applies in all other respects. In the case of insured persons whose insurance contract only provides for the reimbursement of a percentage of the expenses incurred, the hardship tariff provides benefits equivalent to 20, 30 or 50 per cent of the insured treatment costs. Section 152 (3) applies, with the necessary modifications. The calculated premiums under the hardship tariff must not exceed the amount required to cover the claims expenditures under the tariff. Additional expenses that arise in connection with guaranteeing the limitations specified in sentence 3 must be allocated equally to all the insurer’s policyholders with an insurance contract that satisfies an obligation under section 193 (3) sentence 1 of the German Insurance Contract Act. The provision for increasing age must be offset against the premium to be paid under the hardship tariff such that up to 25 per cent of the monthly premium is covered by a withdrawal from the provision for increasing age.
§ 218a Exemption from punishment for abortion
(2) A termination which is performed by a physician with the consent of the pregnant woman is not unlawful if, considering the pregnant woman’s present and future circumstances, the termination is medically necessary to avert a danger to the life of or the danger of grave impairment to the pregnant woman’s physical or mental health and if the danger cannot be averted in another manner which is reasonable for her to accept.
(3) The conditions of subsection (2) are also deemed fulfilled with regard to a termination performed by a physician with the consent of the pregnant woman if, according to medical opinion, an unlawful act under sections 176 to 178 has been committed against the pregnant woman, there are cogent reasons to support the assumption that the pregnancy was caused by the act and no more than 12 weeks have elapsed since conception.
§ 195 Regular limitation period
The regular limitation period is three years.
Data protection notice
a) Data protection principles of DR-WALTER GmbH (hereinafter referred to as DR-WALTER)
The protection of your privacy and of your personal data is paramount to us. We guarantee that we will always treat your data with the utmost confidentiality. Nowadays, insurance companies can only carry out their tasks with the aid of electronic data processing (EDP). Our state-of-the-art EDP enables us to handle contractual relationships correctly, quickly and in a cost-effective manner.
Both our behavior and our tools are in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as well as with other specific regulations for online data protection. Our data protection officer ensures that our data protection principles and any relating regulations are fully met.
For further information, please go to
b) Information about the use of your data by DR-WALTER
We need your personal data to process your applications and contracts, for claims handling and for individual supervision and consultancy. Collection, processing and use of your data are regulated by law. We have adopted a code of conduct for the handling of personal data that complies with the code of conduct of the German Insurance Association (GDV). Our code of conduct is based on data protection regulations of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act as well as other significant laws but also on further measures to strengthen data protection. For more information, go to to learn about our code of conduct with regard to handling your personal data.
DR-WALTER cooperates with several service providers in the use of health data and other data protected under § 203 German Criminal Code (StGB). At, we provide you with an overview of the service providers we work with. At your request, we can send you a printed list of the service providers as well as our code of conduct. Please contact:
Eisenerzstr. 34
53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany
P +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -0
F +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -40
c) Responsible body
Collection of your personal data is carried out by DR-WALTER GmbH, Eisenerzstr. 34, Germany, 53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid (responsible body).
d) Your rights
You have the right to obtain information free of charge about your data stored by us. You also have the right to withdraw any granted consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data at any time and with future effect as well as the right to correct any incorrect data or to delete or block any impermissible or no longer needed data.
You can assert these rights to the above address directly against DR-WALTER. For further questions with regard to data protection, please contact our data protection officer at DR-WALTER, Eisenerzstr. 34, Germany, 53819 Neunkirchen-
Seelscheid, P +49 (0) 22 47 91 94 -0.
List of service providers
In accordance with „Verhaltensregeln für den Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten durch die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft“
(Code of Conduct Data Protection)
German insurers have issued a Code of Conduct for the protection of your personal data and your privacy. We, DR-WALTER, comply with this Code of Conduct and would like to provide you with a list of service providers (companies and private individuals) with whom we work together during order processing when it comes to data processing and assignment of functions. The list also includes service providers with whom we cooperate in the use of health data and other data protected under § 203 German Criminal Code (StGB). We also work together with service providers who collect, process and use health data and other data protected under § 203 StGB.
Insurers and reinsurers |
Assigned functions: Collection, processing or use of personal data to establish, carry out or end an insurance contract (e. g. application processing, risk assessment, policy management, determination of the liability to pay) |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Assistance companies |
Assigned functions: Assistance services |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Doctors, dentists, psychologists, psychiatrists, experts, other healthcare professionals, institutions for medical examinations, hospitals |
Assigned functions: Information on treatment and diseases, expert opinions on medical issues |
Involved bodies / organizations: Individual assignments |
Banks |
Assigned functions: Premium payments, payments in the event of a claim |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Lawyers |
Assigned functions: Legal advice, collections management, legal representation at court. |
Involved bodies / organizations: Individual assignments |
Market and opinion researchers |
Assigned functions: Customer satisfaction surveys, market and opinion research |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Consulting companies |
Assigned functions: Support and advice e.g. in claims and billing matters (Germany and abroad), fraud detection, health programs; IT services |
Involved bodies / organizations: Individual assignments |
IT and telecommunication companies |
Assigned functions: Service providers for IT, network and telephone services |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Online support |
Assigned functions: Service providers for web hosting, internet portals, online policy procurement, email marketing and live chat |
Involved bodies / organizations:
Credit bureaus, address brokers |
Assigned functions: Collection of information during the application stage, claims management |
Involved bodies / organizations: Individual assignments |
Disposal companies |
Assigned functions: Disposal of files and data media, document destruction |
Involved bodies / organizations: Individual assignments |
If required we will send you all contact details of our service providers.