

Consumer information
PPP-travel protection

Tariff sheet PPP-travel protection

1 Special regulations

1.1 DR-WALTER GmbH takes over the complete contract processing on behalf of HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG, as well as processing in the event of a claim. Obligations to HanseMerkur described in the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D) are equivalent to obligations to DR-WALTER GmbH.

1.2 In amendments to Section 4.2 Part B of the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D), the emergency service of DR-WALTER GmbH must be contacted immediately.

2 Who can be insured?

2.1 In addition to Section 1 Part A of the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D), the following persons can be insured:

Participants in the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) as well as participants in other incoming programs in the field of student and educational exchanges.

3 For which stays and trips does the insurance apply (scope)?

3.1 Within the agreed term of the insurance, in addition to Section 3 Part A of the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D), insurance cover applies to an insured person:

For the duration of the CBYX or other incoming program in the field of school and educational exchanges in Germany, as well as for temporary trips worldwide with the exception of the USA and the home country of the insured person.

3.2 In addition to Section 2 Part A of the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D), the maximum insurance period is limited to one year.

4 What must be observed in the event of an insurance claim (obligations)?

4.1 In amendment to Section 4.3 Paragraph a) Part B of the General Insurance Conditions VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D), we ask you to send the invoice documents electronically (scan or photograph) to DR-WALTER GmbH.

Insurance terms and conditions for travel insurance VB-RKS 2020 (SFG28-D)

We are HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG and our head office is located in Hamburg. The policyholder is the organiser or other institution who has taken out the insurance policy with us. You are the insured person, if you have been included in the insurance policy of the policyhold-er. For ease of readability, we use the masculine form as standard. This is always intended to include the feminine form.

A: General Section

(applicable to all types of insurance referred to in Section B)

1 Policyholder, insured persons and eligibility for insurance benefits

1.1 The policyholder is the natural or legal person referred to in the insurance certificate. The persons insured are the per-sons who have booked a trip with the policyholder.

1.2 The right to the insurance benefits is assigned to the insured person.

1.3 We may not set off these benefits for the insured person against payments owed to us from the contract. The provi-sion in Section 35 of the German Insurance Contract Act is not applicable.

2 When does insurance cover start and end?

2.1 The insurance cover starts upon commencement of the trip. For the purposes of travel health insurance, the trip shall be considered to have commenced upon crossing the border in-to another country, and for other types of insurance, when the first travel service has been used whether in whole or in part.

2.2 The insurance cover ends after the agreed duration. In the case of travel health insurance, the insurance cover ends up-on crossing the border from the area covered by the policy back into the country of residence.

3 What trips are covered by the insurance cover?

The insurance cover applies to travel within the area covered by the policy.

4 In which cases do we not provide cover?

We do not provide cover if:

  • You attempt to make fraudulent representations to us as to the circumstances which are material to the grounds for providing cover and the amount of insurance benefits;
  • You have caused the damage intentionally.

5 What should I do in the case of a claim (obligations)?

5.1 You should make every effort to keep the damage as low as possible and avoid anything that could lead to an unneces-sary increase in costs.

5.2 You must provide true and complete information concerning the claim. You must complete in full and return the claim form sent to you. The same applies to any requests we make for receipts and information pertaining to the case.

5.3 Compensation claims against third parties shall be trans-ferred to us as per the statutory regulation, up to the amount of the benefit paid. We shall ensure that this does not disad-vantage you. You have a duty to assist, if necessary, in as-serting the claim for compensation.

5.4 If you deliberately fail to comply with the above-mentioned obligations, we shall be released from our obligation to pro-vide benefits. In the event that you fail to meet your obliga-tions as a result of gross negligence, we are entitled to re-duce the benefit in proportion to the extent of culpability. If you demonstrate that you did not fail to meet the obligation as a result of gross negligence, the insurance cover remains unchanged.

6 When do we pay compensation?

6.1 Once we have confirmed our payment obligations and the amount of indemnity, the payment will be made within two weeks.

6.2 We convert the costs incurred in a foreign currency using the exchange rate valid on the day we receive the records. The official exchange rate applies unless you acquired the cur-rency to pay the bills at a less favourable rate. We are enti-tled to deduct additional costs that arise if we need to make transfers abroad or if particular forms of payment are re-quested by you.

6.3 Insurance cover provided under other insurance contracts and by social security institutions takes precedence over our obligation. If you report the claim to us first, we will make an advance payment or provide benefits in advance. We do not require the sharing of costs with private health insurance if this would disadvantage you, e.g. through loss of the premi-um refund.

7 Which law is applicable?

In addition to these provisions, the Insurance Contract Act (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz, VVG) and German law shall apply.

Note on data protection: We store your personal data to fulfil our obligations under the contract. For further infor-mation on data protection and your rights, please refer to www.hmrv.de/datenschutz/information or contact us. We will be happy to provide you with a copy.

8 When do claims to benefits lapse?

Claims under this insurance policy expire in three years. The expiry is measured from the end of the year in which the claim can be made. If you have made a claim, the expiry peri-od is suspended until our decision is sent to you in writing.

9 What is the applicable court of jurisdiction?

You can submit a complaint against us to the court responsi-ble for the district

  • where we have our head office,
  • where you have your place of residence,
  • where you are normally present, if you do not have a fixed place of residence.

10 In what form and in what language should dec-larations of intent be made?

Declarations of intent and notifications to us must be made in text form (letter, fax, email, electronic data carrier, etc.). The language of the policy is German.

B: Special Part

Travel health insurance

1 Subject matter of the insurance cover

1.1 Insured event

Your medically necessary treatment due to illness or an accident is considered to be an insured event. The insured event starts with treatment and ends once it is medically es-tablished that no further treatment is needed. If treatment needs to be extended to the consequences of an illness or accident which is not causally linked to treatment up to that point, a new insured event shall be considered to have oc-curred. Necessary treatment for complaints during pregnan-cy, premature birth up to the 36th week of pregnancy, mis-carriages, medically necessary abortions and death are also considered to be insured events.

1.2 Right to choose doctors and hospitals

When abroad, you are free to choose between recognised and accredited doctors, dentists and hospitals in the country of destination, provided these charge fees based on the rele-vant official, applicable fee schedule for doctors and den-tists—if available—or based on fees generally charged for similar medical care in the local area.

1.3 Insured types of treatment

We pay within the limits of the contract for diagnostic and treatment methods and medications that are universally or generally recognised by conventional medicine. In addition, we pay for methods and medications, which have proved equally promising in practice, or which are used because no conventional methods or treatment are available (e.g. treat-ment and prescriptions following the specific therapeutic di-rections of homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine and phy-totherapy). We can reduce our payments to the amount that would have been incurred by the use of available conven-tional methods or medications, however.

2 What benefits are included in your travel health insurance? 

2.1 Treatment expenses

If an insured event occurs, we will reimburse you for the cost of medical treatment. Medical treatment within the meaning of these terms and conditions is defined as medically neces-sary

a) medical treatment including pregnancy examinations and pregnancy treatment if the pregnancy had not yet started at the beginning of the insurance contract or renewal con-tract, and treatment due to a miscarriage. 

b) medical pregnancy treatment necessary due to acute symptoms and treatment due to a miscarriage as well as medically necessary abortion and deliveries before the end of the 36th week of pregnancy (premature birth), even if the pregnancy already existed at the beginning of the in-surance contract or renewal contract, if the necessity of treatment had not yet been established at this point in time. 

c) medications and surgical dressings prescribed by a doctor. 

d) radiation therapy, light therapy and other physical treat-ments prescribed by a doctor. 

e) massages, medical dressings and inhalations prescribed by a doctor.

f) aids prescribed by a doctor that are required for the first time solely as a result of an accident and used to directly treat the consequences of the accident.

g) X-ray tests.

h) in-patient medical treatment that cannot be delayed under general care insurance (multiple-bed room) without op-tional services (treatment by private doctor).

i) transport to the nearest hospital suitable for treatment, and return transport.

j) surgery that cannot be postponed.

k) deliveries after the end of a waiting period of 8 months from the start of the trip.

l) rehabilitation measures.

m) out-patient and psycho-analytical or psycho-therapeutic treatment up to five sessions and up to a total of EUR 1,500 per insurance year. An insurance year is considered to be a period of 12 months calculated from the start of insurance.

2.2 Dental treatment expenses

We reimburse the costs for the following that arise during the trip:
a) a one-off routine dental check-up.

b) pain-relieving, preservative dental treatment, including simple fillings.

c) treatment to restore the function of existing dentures (re-pairs), at 50 percent of the invoice amount.

2.3 Cost of return transport, repatriation of mortal remains/funeral

Except for a stay in the home country, we reimburse

a) the additional costs of medically appropriate and reasona-ble repatriation to the nearest suitable hospital to your place of residence. We also assume the costs for the transportation of a co-insured companion as well as the presence of a doctor if this is required, provided this pres-ence is medically necessary, required by the authorities or required by the transport company involved. 

b) in the event of your death, any additional costs of up to EUR 10,000 arising from the repatriation of mortal re-mains to your home country.

c) the costs for a burial abroad up to the level of costs that would have been incurred for repatriation of mortal re-mains, which is capped at EUR 10,000.

2.4 Residual liability

If you contract an illness during a stay abroad and this re-quires further treatment which extends beyond the end of the insurance cover because the insured person is demon-strably unable to return home, we are required under these terms and conditions to continue to provide coverage until such time as the person is able to travel again, for a maxi-mum duration of three months.

3 What insurance cover limitations should you bear in mind?

3.1 There is no obligation to pay benefits:

a) for treatment abroad which was the sole purpose or one of the purposes for taking the trip.

b) for treatment whereby it was clear when starting the trip that such treatment would be necessary if the trip was un-dertaken as planned.

c) for treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, tumours or dialysis treatment, if the illness or need for treatment already ex-isted when the insurance began.

d) for treatment and examinations due to pregnancy if the person was already pregnant at the start of the insurance cover, unless otherwise provided for in the insurance terms and conditions.

e) for illnesses, including their consequences, or consequenc-es of accidents or deaths, which were caused by strike, acts of war, events similar to acts of war, nuclear power or active participation in civil unrest and were not explicitly included in the insurance cover.

f) for illnesses and accidents including their consequences as a result of deliberate intent.

g) for health spa and sanatorium treatment.

h) for withdrawal measures including withdrawal treatments.

i) for outpatient treatment in a spa or health resort. The re-striction does not apply if the treatment is necessary be-cause of an accident occurring at the site. The restriction does not apply for illnesses if you were only visiting the spa or health resort briefly and were not staying for the purposes of treatment;

j) for treatments by spouses, parents or children or by per-sons with whom you are living in your own home or a home being visited. Demonstrable costs of materials will be reimbursed in accordance with the tariff.

k) for treatment or accommodation due to infirmity, need for nursing care or custody.

l) for immunisation measures.

m) for medical aids.

n) for treatments due to disorders and damage to the repro-ductive organs, including sterility, artificial insemination and associated medical check-ups and follow-up treat-ment.

o) for dental replacement, pivot teeth, inlays, crowns and or-thodontic treatment, implants, dental splints and gnatho-logic measures.

p) for suicide, suicide attempts and their consequences.

q) for organ donations and consequences.

3.2 We shall be released from the obligation to provide benefits if:

a) You have caused the insured event intentionally.

b) You attempt to make fraudulent representations as to the circumstances which are material to the grounds for providing cover and the amount of insurance benefits. 

3.3 If a medical treatment exceeds the medically necessary level, we can reduce our benefits to a reasonable level.

3.4 If the insured person is entitled to benefits from statutory accident or pension insurance, to statutory healthcare or to care following an accdent, we may deduct the statutory benefits from the insurance benefits.

4 What should you bear in mind if an insured event occurs (obligations)?

4.1 Obligation to minimise costs

You should make every effort to keep the damage as low as possible and avoid anything that could lead to an unneces-sary increase in costs. Please contact us if you are unsure about any of this. If the patient is fit to be transported, return transport to the place of residence or to the nearest suitable hospital to the place of residence must be agreed if we approve the return transport according to the type of illness and its need for treatment.

4.2 Obligation to make immediate contact

In the event of in-patient treatment in hospital and before the start of extensive diagnostic and therapeutic measures, you must immediately contact our global emergency call ser-vice.

4.3 Obligation to provide information

You must truthfully and promptly complete the claim form and return it to us. If we consider it necessary, you have a du-ty to allow an examination by a doctor appointed by us to take place. The following evidence, which becomes our property, must be submitted to us:

a) original receipts containing the name of the person treat-ed, information provided by a doctor about the illness and the treatment received according to type, location and treatment period. If other insurance cover for treatment costs is available and if this is used first, then copies of in-voices noting the refund are sufficient as evidence;

b) prescriptions together with the doctor’s invoice and in-voices for medicines and aids together with the prescrip-tion;

c) a medical certificate from the doctor in attendance abroad on the necessity of return transport arranged by the doc-tor. The necessity for consultation with the doctor ap-pointed by us is unaffected by this; 

d) an official death certificate and a doctor’s certificate on the cause of death, if costs of repatriation of mortal remains or burial are to be paid;

e) further evidence and receipts that we consider necessary to verify our liability to pay and request from you in the event of a claim and the provision of which can reasonably be expected of you.

4.4 Obligation to secure claims for compensation against third parties

If you have a basis to claim compensation from a third party, this right is assigned to us, insofar as we compensate for the damage. The assigned claim cannot be used to your disad-vantage. You must protect your claim for compensation or your right to secure this claim, taking into account the appli-cable formal requirements and deadlines, and assist in pursu-ing the claim if necessary. If your claim for compensation is against a person, with whom you were living at the time of the event, the assigned claim cannot be pursued unless this person caused the damage deliberately. Your claims against caregivers on the basis of excessive charges are assigned to us to the extent provided for by law, insofar as we have re-imbursed the corresponding bills. If necessary, you have a duty to assist in pursuing the claims. Furthermore, you are obliged to make a declaration of assignment to us if neces-sary.

4.5 Consequences of non-compliance with obligations

The legal consequences of a breach of one of these obligations are stated in clause 5.4 of the general section.

Travel accident insurance

1 What benefits are included in your travel acci-dent insurance?

If an insured event occurs, the following benefits are provid-ed up to the level of the specified sums.

1.1 Benefits in the event of disability

For the benefit to be paid, your physical or mental ability must be permanently impaired as a result of the accident (disability). Impairment is considered to be permanent if it is expected to last longer than 3 years and no change in the situation is expected.

The disability must occur within 15 months of the accident and be confirmed in writing by a doctor within 21 months of the accident, and you must have informed us of this in writ-ing. 

a) The sum insured is EUR 100,000. The amount of the bene-fit depends on the sum insured and the degree of disabil-ity. The loss or loss of use of the following will constitute fixed degrees of disability (unless there is evidence of a higher or lower level of disability)

  • Arm
  • Arm above the elbow 65%
  • Arm below the elbow 60%
  • Hand 55%
  • Thumb 20%
  • Index finger 10%
  • Any other finger 5%
  • Leg above the centre of the thigh 70%
  • Leg up to the centre of the thigh 60%
  • Leg to below the knee 50%
  • Leg to the centre of the lower leg 45%
  • Foot 40%
  • Big toe 5%
  • Other toe 2%
  • Eye 50%
  • Hearing in one ear 30%
  • Sense of smell 10%
  • Sense of taste 5%

In the event of partial loss or impairment of function with respect to one of these body parts or sensory organs, the corresponding proportion of the percentage shall be as-sumed.

b) Should the insured event affect body parts or sensory or-gans where loss or loss of use is not covered above, the decisive factor shall be the extent to which normal physi-cal or mental performance is impaired from an exclusively medical point of view.

c) Should the insured event affect several physical or mental functions, the aforementioned degrees of disability shall be added together. However, more than 100% will not be accepted.

d) Should the insured event affect a physical or mental func-tion that was already permanently impaired, a deduction corresponding to the level of pre-existing disability will be made. This will be measured in accordance with the de-grees of disability pursuant to clause 1.1.a.

e) Should death occur as a result of the accident within a year of the insured event, there shall be no entitlement to disability benefit.

f) If you die due to a cause unrelated to the accident within a year of the insured event or (regardless of the cause) later than 1 year after the accident and if a claim for disability benefit in accordance with clause 1.1.a arose, we provide compensation in accordance with the degree of disability that would have been applied in accordance with the latest recorded medical findings.

1.2 Progression in the event of disability exceeding 25%

The following applies if an accident not involving illnesses or ailments under the assessment principles of clause 1.1 leads to a permanent impairment of physical or mental function by more than 25%:

a) For every percentage point by which the accident-related degree of disability exceeds 25%, we pay an additional 4% from the sum insured.

b) For every percentage point by which the accident-related degree of disability exceeds 50%, we pay an additional 2% from the sum insured.

− In the event of disability, these special conditions individu-ally have the following effect:

Degree of disability in % / Payment in % of the basic disability benefits

1 to 25  / 1 to 25 44 / 120 63 / 241 82 / 374
26 / 30 45 / 125 64 / 248 83 / 381
27 / 35 46 / 130 65 / 255 84 / 388
28 / 40 47 / 135 66 / 262 85 / 395
29 / 45 48 / 140 67 / 269 86 / 402
30 / 50 49 / 145 68 / 276 87 / 409
31 / 55 50 / 150 69 / 283 88 / 416
32 / 60 51 / 157 70 / 290 89 / 423
33 / 65 52 / 164 71 / 297 90 / 430
34 / 70 53 / 171 72 / 304 91 / 437
35 / 75 54 / 178 73 / 311 92 / 444
36 / 80 55 / 185 74 / 318 93 / 451
37 / 85 56 / 192 75 / 325 94 / 458
38 / 90 57 / 199 76 / 332 95 / 465
39 / 95 58 / 206 77 / 339 96 / 472
40 / 100 59 / 213 78 / 346 97 / 479
41 / 105 60 / 220 79 / 353 98 / 486
42 / 110 61 / 227 80 / 360 99 / 493
43 / 115 62 / 234 81 / 367 100 / 500

1.3 Immediate benefit

If an insured event results in paraplegia, amputation of the whole hand or blindness in both eyes, we will pay an immedi-ate benefit in the amount of EUR 5,000, provided you do not die within one week of the accident.

1.4 Benefits in the event of death

The sum insured is EUR 20,000. Should an insured event lead to your death within a year, the heirs shall be entitled to a benefit in accordance with the sum insured in the event of death. Please note the specific obligations under clause 4.3.

1.5 Benefits for rescue costs

If you have several accident insurance policies with the HanseMerkur insurance group, the expenses below can only be claimed with regard to one of these policies. If you have suffered an accident covered by this insurance policy, we shall reimburse the costs incurred up to a sum of EUR 5,000 for

a) search, rescue or recovery operations by private search and rescue services or search and rescue services under public law, provided these services are normally chargeable.

b) your transportation to the nearest hospital or to a special-ist clinic if this is medically necessary and has been or-dered by a medical practitioner.

c) additional expenses for your transportation back to your place of permanent residence if the additional costs are based on doctor’s orders or were unavoidable given the nature of the injuries.

d) repatriation of mortal remains to the last permanent place of residence in the event of death. 

e) Services set out in clause 1.5.a, if you did not experience an insured event but there was an immediate threat of an ac-cident or specific circumstances led you to believe that it was imminent.

2 What qualifies as an insured event?

2.1 Damage to health caused by an accident

An insured event has occurred if you involuntarily suffer damage to your health as a result of a sudden external event (accident) having an impact on your body. By extension, in-surance cover also applies to health damage typical of diving, e.g. caisson disease or eardrum injuries, without an accident having to occur, i.e. a sudden external event having an im-pact upon the body. 

2.2 Muscular strain and torn ligaments 

An insured event will also be considered to have occurred if a joint is twisted or if muscles, tendons, ligaments or capsules are strained or torn due to increased exertion on limbs or the spine.

3 What insurance cover limitations should you bear in mind?

3.1 Which events are not covered?

We do not provide insurance cover for:

a) Accidents caused by mental disorders or impaired con-sciousness, including due to the consumption of alcohol or drugs, as well as by strokes, epileptic fits or other seizures that affect your entire body; however, insurance cover shall apply if these are caused by an accident falling under this contract.

b) Accidents suffered by you as a result of your deliberately committing or attempting to commit a crime.

c) Accidents caused directly or indirectly by war or civil war events or in connection with terrorist attacks. However, we shall provide insurance cover if you are travelling abroad and are unexpectedly affected by war or civil war. This ex-tension of insurance cover will, however, not apply in the case of travel in or through states that were already en-gulfed by war or civil war upon commencement of the trip. It will also not apply in the event of active participation in war or civil war, or in the event of accidents caused by NBC (nuclear, biological or chemical) weapons.

d) Accidents befalling you as the pilot of an aircraft (includ-ing sports aircraft) requiring a permit in accordance with German law, or as a crew member on an aircraft, if these occur with a causal connection to the operation of the aircraft.

e) Accidents when carrying out an activity with the aid of an aircraft.

f) Accidents while using spacecraft; however, you have in-surance cover as an airline passenger.

g) Accidents befalling you as the driver, co-driver or passen-ger of a motor vehicle taking part in a driving event, in-cluding related practice runs, in which the objective is driv-ing at high speeds.

h) Accidents caused directly or indirectly by nuclear energy.

i) Damage to health caused by radiation and damage to health caused by therapeutic measures or interventions on your body. However, insurance cover is provided if thera-peutic measures or interventions, including radio-diagnostic and radio-therapeutic interventions, are carried out due to an accident falling under this policy.

j) Damage to health caused by infections. These are also ex-cluded if caused by insect stings or bites or other minor in-juries to the skin or mucous membranes through which the pathogens got into the body either immediately or at a later stage. However, insurance cover is provided for ra-bies and tetanus, as well as for infections whereby the pathogens entered the body through injuries as a result of an accident, which is not excluded under clause 1. Insur-ance cover is also provided for infections caused by thera-peutic measures or interventions if the therapeutic measures or interventions, including radio-diagnostic and radio-therapeutic interventions, are carried out due to an accident falling under this policy.

k) Abdominal or inguinal hernias. However, insurance cover is provided if these occur due to a violent external impact falling under this policy.

l) Damage to spinal discs, as well as bleeding from internal organs and cerebral haemorrhage. However, insurance cover is provided if the predominant cause is an accident falling under this policy.

m) Pathological disorders as a result of psychological reac-tions, regardless of their cause.

n) Poisoning as a result of ingesting solid or liquid substanc-es through the gullet.

3.2 What impact do illnesses or infirmities have?

If illnesses or infirmities contribute to impaired health caused by an accident or the consequences thereof, the benefits shall be reduced by an amount proportionate to the illness or infirmity, if this proportion is at least 25%. If illnesses or infir-mities contribute to damage to health caused by an accident, or the consequences thereof, any entitlement to benefits shall lapse, if this proportion is more than 50%.

4 What requirements must be met in the event of damage due to an accident during travel (obligations)?

4.1 Immediate medical consultation

The medical advice of a doctor must be sought following an accident that is expected to lead to a payment obligation. You must follow the doctor’s orders and must also limit the consequences of the accident as far as possible.

4.2 Examination by doctors

You are obliged to allow an examination to be carried out by a doctor appointed by us. We shall bear the necessary costs, including any loss of earnings.

4.3 Notifications in the event of death

If the accident leads to your death, then your heirs or other legal successors must inform us thereof within 48 hours, even if the accident itself has already been reported. We must be granted the right to have a post-mortem examina-tion conducted by a doctor appointed by us.

4.4 Consequences of non-compliance with obligations

The legal consequences of a breach of one of these obligations are stated in clause 5.4 of the general section.

Travel liability insurance

1 Subject matter of the insurance cover

1.1 You have insurance cover on the trip in the event that a claim for compensation is asserted against you by a third party on the basis of statutory liability provisions under pri-vate law due to one of the events listed below leading to the death, injury or damage to the health of persons (personal damage) or damage to or destruction of an object (material damage). The below sums insured represent the highest limit for each claim event for the scope of the benefits. Several connected losses from the same cause are considered to be one loss event. Our total payment for all damages within one insurance year—or any agreed shorter insurance period—is limited to twice the amount of the sums insured for personal injury and property damage. An insurance year is considered to be a period of 12 months calculated from the start of insurance.

1.2 Our expenses for costs shall not be set off against the sum insured as benefits. Should the liability claims exceed the sum insured, we will only be required to bear the costs of le-gal proceedings in an amount corresponding to the propor-tion of the entire claim amount represented by the sum in-sured, even in the event of several sets of proceedings aris-ing from one event. In such cases, we shall be entitled—by paying the sum insured and our proportion of the costs in-curred so far corresponding to the sum insured—to release ourselves from payment of further benefits.

1.3 If you are required to make annuity payments to the injured party and the capital value of the annuity exceeds the sum insured or exceeds the amount of the sum insured remaining following deduction of any benefits arising from the same insured event, the annuity to be paid shall only be reimbursed in an amount corresponding to the proportion of the sum in-sured or residual amount to the capital value of the annuity. For this purpose, the net present value of the pension is de-termined based on the 1995 German Actuarial Society (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung) mortality table for pensions (DAV 1995 R) and an annual interest rate of 4%.

2 What liability claims are covered?

2.1 Everyday liability risks

Your insurance cover extends to your statutory liability for personal injury and property damage with a sum insured of EUR 1,000,000, where you have caused such injury or dam-age as an individual in terms of everyday liability risks occurring on your trip, particularly

a) for family and household responsibility (e.g. arising out of the duty of care for minors).

b) as a cyclist.

c) while practising a sport (exceptions are the types of sport listed in clause 4.2.c).

d) as a rider or driver when using third-party horses and carts for private purposes (liability claims of the animal’s keeper or owner against you are not covered).

e) through the ownership and use of aircraft models, un-manned balloons and gliders, which are neither powered by motors nor by propellants, whose weight in flight does not exceed 5 kg and for which there is no insurance obligation.

f) through the ownership and use of owned or third-party rowing or pedal boats as well as third-party sailing boats powered neither by motors (including outboard motors) nor by propellants, and for which there is no insurance obligation.

g) liability arising from the ownership, possession, mainte-nance or use of own or third-party surf boards for sporting purposes. However, your legal liability arising from renting, borrowing or other transfer of use to third parties is excluded.

h) working as an au pair. If you are working as an au pair on the basis of a written contract, the private liability insur-ance does include your professional liability insurance, in derogation of clause 4.1.c. In this case, only liability claims that are on the basis of activities that you are allowed to practice on the basis of your level of education are insured. This insurance cover only applies, however, if claims are made against you and you have no other or only inade-quate insurance cover, e.g. as part of a private liability in-surance of the host family.

2.2 Liability claims for damage to rented property 

In derogation of clause 4.2.d, the insurance cover also ex-tends to damage to rented property with a sum insured of EUR 50,000. In this connection, the insurance cover extends to everyday liability risks incurred by the insured person as the user of rooms in buildings (e.g. hotel and B&B rooms, hol-iday apartments, bungalows, dining rooms, shared bath-rooms). However, liability claims for the following reasons are ex-cluded:

  • Damage to moveable items such as pictures, furniture, tel-evision sets, crockery, etc.
  • Damage due to wear and tear and excessive strain.
  • Damage to heating, mechanical, boiler and hot water facili-ties as well as electrical and gas equipment. The deductible for each damage event is 10% of the recover-able loss, and at least EUR 125.

2.3 Damage to the household of the host family

Contrary to clauses 4.2.g, liability claims against you are insured if they relate to damage to mobile objects (e.g. pic-tures, furniture, television sets, crockery, carpets) and to the household of the host family whose use is foreseen and per-mitted in connection with hosting, as well as the loss of keys, with a sum insured of EUR 10,000. The household of the host family includes the house or home where the host family is resident (main, second and holiday homes), including the associated land and additional buildings or adjoining rooms lo-cated on it. The deductible for each damage event is 10% of the recoverable loss, and at least EUR 150.

2.4 Professional liability

The insurance cover relates to your legal liability during the performance of the insured person’s profession or during an internship. In this case, only liability claims that are on the basis of activities that you are allowed to practice on the ba-sis of your level of education are insured. This insurance cov-er only applies, however, if claims are made against you and there is no other insurance cover. Damage is not covered if it is due to you overlooking mistakes in invoices, accounts, cost estimates or measurements in drawings which you had a re-sponsibility to check. There is also no insurance cover for the non-fulfilment of contracts and the replacement performance carried out in place of the non-fulfilment. The deductible for each damage event is 10% of the recoverable loss, and at least EUR 200.

3 What benefits are covered under your travel liability insurance?

If an insured event occurs, the following benefits are provid-ed up to the level of the sums insured.

3.1 Investigation of liability and settlement of justified claims

Our services include investigation of liability and subsequent defence against unjustified claims or, in the event of a justi-fied claim, reimbursement of the compensation to be paid by you. A justified claim shall be deemed to exist based on a declaration of acknowledgement issued or approved by us, a settlement concluded or approved by us, or a court order. Should the settlement of a liability claim as requested by us by means of acknowledgement, appeasement or settlement fail due to conduct on your part, we shall not be liable for the additional expenses for compensation, interest and costs in-curred from the point of refusal.

Should we request or approve the appointment of a defence lawyer for you as part of criminal proceedings based on an event that may result in a liability claim falling under the insurance cover, we shall bear the lawyer’s fees in accordance with the fee schedule, or higher costs if specifically agreed with us in advance.

3.2 Sureties in the event of annuities due

Should you be legally required to provide a surety on the basis of an annuity due as a result of an insured event, or should you be granted the option to avoid enforcement of a court judgement by providing a surety or escrow, we under-take to provide the surety or escrow on your behalf.

3.3 Costs of a legal dispute

Should the insured event lead to a legal dispute regarding the claim between you and the injured party or their legal successor, we shall deal with the legal dispute on your behalf. We shall assume the incurred costs and shall not offset these as benefits against the sum insured. Should the liability claims exceed the sum insured, we shall only bear the costs of legal proceedings in an amount corresponding to the pro-portion of the entire claim amount represented by the sum insured, even in the event of several sets of proceedings aris-ing from one event. In such cases, we shall be entitled—by paying the sum insured and our proportion of the costs in-curred so far corresponding to the sum insured—to release ourselves from payment of further benefits.

4 What insurance cover limitations should you bear in mind?

4.1 Liability risks not insured

a) Your liability as the owner, proprietor, holder or driver of a land-based vehicle, aircraft or watercraft is not covered in the event of damage caused by using the vehicle.

b)Your liability as the owner, holder or keeper of animals and your liability when hunting are not covered.

c) Your liability when carrying out your duties (including on a voluntary basis) or when participating in associations of any kind is not covered.

d)Your liability when renting out, lending or otherwise hand-ing items over to third parties for use is not covered.

4.2 Liability claims not covered

a) Liability claims that go beyond the scope of statutory liability.

b) Claims to salaries, pensions, wages and other set emolu-ments, catering, medical treatment in the event of inability to work, welfare entitlements as well as claims under riot damage laws.

c) Liability claims for damage as a result of your participation in horse, bicycle or motor vehicle races, boxing and wres-tling matches or combat sports of any kind, including preparation (training) for these.

d) Unless expressly listed in clause 2.2, liability claims for damage to third-party items that you have rented, leased, borrowed or obtained through unlawful interference or that are subject to a specific custody agreement.

e) Liability claims for damage caused by environmental im-pact on the ground, air or water (including bodies of wa-ter) and all further resulting damage.

f) Liability claims for events involving relatives living in your household. Relatives shall include spouses, parents and children, adoptive parents and children, parents and chil-dren-in-law, step-parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, siblings, foster parents and children as well as persons connected by means of a family-like, long-term relationship similar to that of parents and children.

g) Liability claims between several insured persons on the same insurance policy as well as, unless explicitly co-insured under clause 2.3, between the policyholder and the persons insured on an insurance policy.

h) Liability claims between several persons who have booked a trip together and take this trip together.

i) Liability claims for damage as a result of passing on an ill-ness.

j) Liability claims for damage as a result of using weapons of any kind.

k) Liability claims for any resulting financial losses.

l) Unless expressly listed in clause 2.3, liability claims for damage as a result of loss of items such as money, securi-ties and valuables.

4.3 Limitation of benefits

a) Compensation is limited to the agreed sums insured for each insured event. This shall apply even if the insurance covers several persons with entitlement to compensation.

b) The compensation for all insured events within the insured period shall be limited to two times the agreed sum in-sured in the case of contractual terms of less than one year. In the case of contractual terms of more than one year, we shall not pay more than double the agreed sum insured for all insured events in each year of insurance.

c) Several insured events occurring during the effective peri-od of the insurance shall be considered one insured event occurring at the time of the first of these insured events if they are based on the same cause or similar causes with an internal—particularly material and temporal—link.

d) If you are required to make annuity payments to the in-jured party and the capital value of the annuity exceeds the sum insured or exceeds the amount of the sum insured remaining following deduction of any benefits arising from the insured event, the annuity to be paid shall only be reimbursed by us in an amount corresponding to the proportion of the insured sum or residual amount to the capital value of the annuity.

The corresponding provision of the ordinance on insur-ance cover under the motor vehicle liability insurance, in the version applicable when the insured event occurs, shall apply as regards calculation of the value of the annu-ity. When calculating the amount that you must contribute to ongoing annuity payments, if the capital value of the annuity exceeds the sum insured or the sum insured re-maining following deduction of other benefits, the other benefits will be offset in full against the sum insured.

e) Should the settlement of a liability claim as requested by us by means of acknowledgement, appeasement or set-tlement fail due to conduct on your part, we shall not be li-able for the additional expenses for compensation, interest and costs incurred from the point of refusal.

5 What should I do in the case of a claim (obligations)?

5.1 Immediate notification of the incident

If a claim for compensation for damages is made against you, please notify us immediately.

5.2 Immediate notification in the event of a legal dispute

If investigation proceedings have been initiated or a penalty order or order for payment has been issued, you must inform us immediately, even if you have already reported the in-sured event itself. If a claim is asserted against you in court or by means of an order for payment, if legal aid is applied for if or a legal notice is served on you, you must also inform HanseMerkur immediately. The same applies in the event of arrest, interim injunction or proceedings for the securing of evidence.

5.3 Handover of proceedings

In the event of legal proceedings concerning the liability claim, you must hand over conduct of such proceedings to us, grant power of attorney to the lawyer appointed or speci-fied by us and submit all declarations that we or the lawyer believe to be necessary. In the event of orders for payment or ordinances from administrative authorities regarding compensation for damages, you must file an objection or seek the required legal remedies within the set time limit without awaiting instruction from us.

5.4 Cession of exercise of rights in the event of annuities

If, as a result of changes in circumstances, you are granted the right to request the cancellation or reduction of an annui-ty to be paid, you have a duty to allow us to exercise this right on your behalf.

5.5 Authorisation

We are considered authorised to submit all declarations deemed to be useful in settling or defending against the claim on your behalf.

5.6 Consequences of non-compliance with obligations

The legal consequences of a breach of one of these obligations are stated in clause 5.4 of the general section.

Law excerpts


§ 8 Policyholder’s right of revocation

(1) The policyholder may revoke his contractual agreement within 14 days. The policyholder shall declare his revocation to the insurer in writing, but need not state any reason; timely dispatch shall suffice for compliance with the time limit.

(2) The revocation period shall begin at such time as the policyholder receives the following documents in writing:

1. the insurance policy and the terms of contract, including the general terms and conditions of insurance, as well as the other information in accordance with section 7 (1) and (2), and

2. a clearly worded instruction regarding the right of revocation and the legal consequences of the revocation which makes clear to the policyholder his rights commensurate with the requirements of the means of communication employed, and the names of the person to whom the revocation is to be declared, with an address at which documents may be served, as well as a note making reference to the commencement of the revocation period and to the rules set out in subsection (1), second sentence.

(3) The right of revocation shall not apply

1. to contracts of insurance with a term of less than one month,

2. to contracts of insurance for provisional cover, unless they are distance contracts within the meaning of section 312b (1) and (2) of the German Civil Code,


§ 14 Due date of the payment

(1) Payments of the insurer are due after the end of the assessment required to determine the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of compensation payable by the insurer.

(2) If such assessment is not finished after expiry of one month since the notification of the insured event, the policyholder can request payment by installments amounting to the minimum that the insurer can be expected to be required to pay. The period shall be suspended as long as the assessment cannot be finished due to a fault of the policyholder.

(3) Any agreement under which the insurer is exempt from his obligation to pay default interest shall be invalid.

§ 19 Duty of disclosure

(1) The policyholder shall disclose to the insurer before making his contractual acceptance the risk factors known to him which are relevant to the insurer’s decision to conclude the contract with the agreed content and which the insurer has requested in writing. If, after receiving the policyholder’s contractual acceptance and before accepting the contract, the insurer asks such questions as are referred to in the first sentence, the policyholder shall also be under the duty of disclosure as regards these questions.

(2) If the policyholder breaches his duty of disclosure under subsection (1), the insurer may withdraw from the contract.


§ 28 Breach of a contractual obligation

(1) In case of a breach of a contractual obligation towards the insurer that the policyholder needs to fulfill prior to the occurrence of the insured event, the insurer may cancel the contract without notice within one month from the time he becomes aware of the breach, unless the breach is not the result of intention or gross negligence.

(2) Where the contract stipulates that the insurer is exempt from its liability to pay in case of a breach of a contractual obligation that the policyholder needs to fulfill, the insurer is only exempt from its liability to pay if the policyholder has deliberately breached the obligation. In the event of a grossly negligent breach of the obligation, the insurer shall be entitled to reduce his benefits according to the severity of the fault of the policyholder; the burden of proof for the non-existence of a grossly negligent behavior lies with the policyholder.

(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the insurer is obliged to pay if the breach of the obligation was neither the cause for the occurrence or determination of the insured event nor for the determination or scope of the insurer’s liability to pay. Sentence 1 shall not apply if the policyholder has fraudulently breached the obligation.

(4) Where an obligation to provide information is breached after the occurrence of the insured event, the insurer’s full or partial exemption from performance according to paragraph 2 requires that the insurer has informed the policyholder in writing by separate notification about this legal consequence.

(5) An agreement based on which the insurer is entitled to withdraw from the contract in the event of the non-observance of an incidental obligation shall be void.

§ 37 Delayed payment of first insurance premium

(1) If the single premium or the first premium is not paid in good time, the insurer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract as long as the payment has not been made, unless the policyholder is not responsible for the non-payment.

(2) If the single premium or first premium has not been paid when the insured event occurs, the insurer shall not be obligated to effect payment, unless the policyholder is not responsible for the non-payment. The insurer shall only be released from liability if he had informed the policyholder of the legal consequence of non-payment of the premium in writing in a separate communication or by means of a conspicuous note in the insurance policy.

§ 38 Delayed payment of subsequent premium

(1) If a subsequent premium is not paid in good time, the insurer may set the policyholder a payment deadline of no less than two weeks at his expense and in writing. The setting of the deadline shall only be effective if it details the individual amounts of the premium which are in arrears, the interest and costs, as well as quoting the legal consequences associated in accordance with subsections (2) and (3)with expiry of the time limit; in the case of consolidated contracts, the amounts must be quoted separately.

(2) If the insured event occurs after the deadline expires, and if the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment of the premium or of the interest or costs, the insurer shall not be obligated to effect payment.

(3) The insurer may, after the deadline expires, terminate the contract without prior notice insofar as the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment of the due amounts. The termination can be linked to the setting of the payment deadline in such a way that it becomes effective once the deadline expires if the policyholder is in arrears as regards the payment at that point in time; the policyholder must be explicitly informed of this in the termination. The termination shall become void if the policyholder makes the payment within one month after the contract has been terminated or, if it has been linked to the setting of a deadline, within one month after the deadline expires; subsection (2) shall remain unaffected.

§ 86 Subrogation of claims for compensation

(1) Where the policyholder has a claim for compensation against a third party, the insurer is subrogated to this claim if he compensates the damage. This subrogation cannot be asserted to the policyholder’s disadvantage.

(2) The policyholder has to assert his / her claim for compensation or any right to secure this claim properly and in due time and assist the insurer, as far as necessary, in enforcing such claim for compensation. Where the policyholder breaches this obligation intentionally, the insurer is exempt from his liability to pay insofar as he can consequently not claim compensation from the third party. In case of a grossly negligent breach of obligations, the insurer is entitled to reduce his benefits according to the severity of the policyholder’s fault. The burden of proof for the non-existence of a grossly negligent behavior lies with the policyholder.

(3) If the policyholder’s claim for compensation is against a person with whom he / she lived in cohabitation when the damage occurred, the subrogation in accordance with paragraph 1 cannot be asserted unless this person has intentionally caused the damage.

§ 193 Insured person; obligatory insurance

(1) The health insurance may be taken out for the policyholder or for another person. The insured person shall be that person for whom the insurance is taken out.

(2) Where the knowledge and the conduct of the policyholder are of legal significance under this Act, in the case of insurance for another person, account shall also be taken of the knowledge and conduct of that person.

(3) Each person with a place of residence in Germany shall be obligated to conclude and maintain with an insurance company licensed to operate in Germany for himself and for the persons legally represented by him, insofar as they are not themselves able to conclude contracts, a cost-of-illness insurance which comprises at least a cost refund for outpatient and inpatient treatment and in which the absolute and percentage excesses for outpatient and inpatient treatment which have been agreed for services covered by the respective tariff for each person to be insured are limited to an amount of Euro 5,000 per calendar year; for persons entitled to medical expenses assistance, the possible excesses emerge through the analogous application of the percentage not covered by the rate of medical expenses assistance to the maximum amount of Euro 5,000. The obligation in accordance with the first sentence shall not apply to persons who

1.  are insured or subject to obligatory insurance in statutory health insurance, or

2.  have a right to free treatment, to medical expenses assistance or to comparable rights to the extent of the respective entitlement, or

3.  have a right to benefits in accordance with the Asylum-Seekers Benefits Act, or

4.  are recipients of recurrent benefits in accordance with the Third, Fourth and Seventh Chapters of Social Code Book XII, and recipients of benefits in accordance with Part 2 of Social Code Book IX, for the duration of the receipt of such benefits and during periods of an interruption of the receipt of benefits of less than one month if the receipt of benefits commenced prior to 1 January 2009.

A cost-of-illness insurance contract agreed prior to 1 April 2007 shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the first sentence.

§ 194 Applicable provisions

(1) Insofar as the insurance cover is granted in accordance with the principles of indemnity insurance, sections 74 to 80 and sections 82 to 87 shall apply. Sections 23 to 27 and section 29 shall not apply to health insurance. Section 19 (4) shall not apply to health insurance if the policyholder is not responsible for the breach of the duty of disclosure. Notwithstanding section 21 (3), first sentence, the time limit for asserting the insurer’s rights shall be three years.

(2) If the policyholder or an insured person is entitled to the repayment of remuneration paid without legal basis to the provider of services for which the insurer has paid compensation on the basis of the contract of insurance, section 86 (1) and (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(3) Sections 43 to 48 shall apply to health insurance with the proviso that only the insured person may demand payment of the insurance benefit if the policyholder has designated him in writing to the insurer as the beneficiary of the insurance benefit; such designation may be revocable or irrevocable. Where this condition is not met, only the policyholder may demand payment of the insurance benefit. The insurance policy need not be presented.

§ 195 Period of insurance

(1) Health insurance which may wholly or partially substitute for health and long-term nursing care insurance cover provided for in the statutory social insurance system (substitutive health insurance) shall be for an indefinite period, unless subsections (2) and (3) and sections 196 to 199 provide otherwise. Where the non-substitutive health insurance cover is provided in the manner of life insurance, the first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2) In the case of vocational training, overseas, travel and residual debt health insurance, a period of contract may be agreed.

(3) In the case of health insurance for a person with a temporary residence permit for Germany, agreement may be reached to the effect that the insurance will expire after five years at the latest. If a shorter term has been agreed, a similar new contract may only be concluded with a maximum term that does not exceed five years when added to the term of the expired contract; this shall also apply if the new contract is concluded with another insurer.

§ 205 Termination of the contract by the policyholder

(3) If the contract of insurance provides that when the policyholder reaches a certain age or when other preconditions referred to therein are met the premium for another age or another age group applies or the premium is calculated taking old age reserves into account, the policyholder may terminate the insurance agreement with regard to the affected insured person within two months after the change with effect from the time it became effective if the premium increases as a result.

(4) If the insurer increases the insurance premium or reduces a benefit on account of an adjustment clause, the policyholder may terminate the insurance policy with regard to the affected insured person within two months after receipt of the communication of the change with effect from such time as the increase in the premium or the reduction of the benefits is to take effect.

§ 213 Collection of personal health data from third parties

(1) The insurer is only allowed to collect personal health data from the following third parties: physicians, any kind of hospitals, nursing homes and staff, other personal insurance providers and providers of compulsory health insurance as well as employers’ liability insurance associations and authorities; such collection of data is only allowed if knowledge of said data is necessary to assess the insured risk or the liability to pay and if the affected party has given his / her declaration of consent.

(2) The declaration of consent in accordance with paragraph 1 can be given prior to issuing the contract statement. The affected person must be informed about data collection as stipulated in paragraph 1 and may object to the collection.

(3) The affected person can request at any time that a collection of data is only carried out if he / she gave his / her consent for each individual data collection.

(4) The affected person must be informed about his / her rights, in particular about the right of objection in accordance with paragraph 2 when being informed about data collection.


§ 153 Hardship tariff

(1) Non-payers within the meaning of section 193 (7) of the German Insurance Contract Act form a tariff within the meaning of section 155 (3) sentence 1. The hardship tariff provides for the reimbursement of expenses solely in connection with benefits necessary for the treatment of serious illness and pain and those associated with pregnancy and maternity. By way of derogation from the above provision, expenses for insured children and young persons, in particular expenses for preventive medical examinations aimed at the early discovery of illnesses under statutory programmes and for immunisation recommended by the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (Ständige Impfkommission – STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute under section 20 (2) of the German Protection against Infection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz – IfSG) must be reimbursed.

(2) A standard premium must be calculated for all insured persons under the hardship tariff; section 146 (1) nos. 1 and 2 applies in all other respects. In the case of insured persons whose insurance contract only provides for the reimbursement of a percentage of the expenses incurred, the hardship tariff provides benefits equivalent to 20, 30 or 50 per cent of the insured treatment costs. Section 152 (3) applies, with the necessary modifications. The calculated premiums under the hardship tariff must not exceed the amount required to cover the claims expenditures under the tariff. Additional expenses that arise in connection with guaranteeing the limitations specified in sentence 3 must be allocated equally to all the insurer’s policyholders with an insurance contract that satisfies an obligation under section 193 (3) sentence 1 of the German Insurance Contract Act. The provision for increasing age must be offset against the premium to be paid under the hardship tariff such that up to 25 per cent of the monthly premium is covered by a withdrawal from the provision for increasing age.


§ 218a Exemption from punishment for abortion

(2) A termination which is performed by a physician with the consent of the pregnant woman is not unlawful if, considering the pregnant woman’s present and future circumstances, the termination is medically necessary to avert a danger to the life of or the danger of grave impairment to the pregnant woman’s physical or mental health and if the danger cannot be averted in another manner which is reasonable for her to accept.

(3) The conditions of subsection (2) are also deemed fulfilled with regard to a termination performed by a physician with the consent of the pregnant woman if, according to medical opinion, an unlawful act under sections 176 to 178 has been committed against the pregnant woman, there are cogent reasons to support the assumption that the pregnancy was caused by the act and no more than 12 weeks have elapsed since conception.


§ 195 Regular limitation period

The regular limitation period is three years.

Data protection notice and list of service providers Hallesche

The data protection information and the list of service providers of Hallesche Krankenversicherung AG are only available in the German version.

List of service providers

Service providers commissioned by DR-WALTER GmbH

In accordance with „Verhaltensregeln für den Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten durch die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft“
(Code of Conduct Data Protection)

German insurers have issued a Code of Conduct for the protection of your personal data and your privacy. We, DR-WALTER, comply with this Code of Conduct and would like to provide you with a list of service providers (companies and private individuals) with whom we work together during order processing when it comes to data processing and assignment of functions. The list also includes service providers with whom we cooperate in the use of health data and other data protected under § 203 German Criminal Code (StGB). We also work together with service providers who collect, process and use health data and other data protected under § 203 StGB.

Insurers and reinsurers

Assigned functions:

Collection, processing or use of personal data to establish, carry out or end an insurance contract (e. g. application processing, risk assessment, policy management, determination of the liability to pay)

Involved bodies / organizations:
insurers mentioned in the insurance certificate


  • Generali Deutschland Krankenversicherung AG,
  • Dialog Versicherung AG,
  • Würzburger Versicherungs-AG,
  • HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG,
  • ERGO Reiseversicherung AG,
  • ERGO Versicherung AG,
  • Allianz Partners – AWP Health & Life SA,
  • Inter Krankenversicherung AG,
  • Hiscox SA,
  • Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG,
  • Barmenia Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG,
  • Techniker Krankenkasse,
  • BDAE Holding GmbH,
  • Foyer Santé S.A.,
  • Globality S.A.,
  • BD24 Berlin Direkt Versicherung AG,
  • Hallesche Krankenversicherung a. G.

Assistance companies

Assigned functions:

Assistance services

Involved bodies / organizations:

  • MD Medicus Assistance Service GmbH,
  • GMMI, Inc.,
  • Europ Assistance SA, Niederlassung für Deutschland,
  • International SOS B.V.,
  • International SOS GmbH,
  • Global Excel Management Inc.

Doctors, dentists, psychologists, psychiatrists, experts, other healthcare professionals, institutions for medical examinations, hospitals

Assigned functions:

Information on treatment and diseases, expert opinions on medical issues

Involved bodies / organizations:

Individual assignments


Assigned functions:

Premium payments, payments in the event of a claim

Involved bodies / organizations:

  • Postbank Köln – eine Niederlassung der DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG,
  • Kreissparkasse Köln, Mündelsichere Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts,
  • Revolut Bank UAB


Assigned functions:

Legal advice, collections management, legal representation at court.

Involved bodies / organizations:

Individual assignments

Market and opinion researchers

Assigned functions:

Customer satisfaction surveys, market and opinion research

Involved bodies / organizations:

  • eKomi Holding GmbH

Consulting companies

Assigned functions:

Support and advice e.g. in claims and billing matters (Germany and abroad), fraud detection, health programs; IT services

Involved bodies / organizations:

Individual assignments

IT and telecommunication companies

Assigned functions:

Service providers for IT, network and telephone services

Involved bodies / organizations:

  • AssFINET AG,
  • Trevedi IT-Consulting GmbH,
  • IBExpert GmbH,
  • NETGO GmbH,
  • DATEV eG,
  • i42 Informationsmanagement GmbH,
  • Air Doctor Ltd.,
  • enthus GmbH,
  • Telekom Deutschland GmbH,
  • mySolution Software & Consulting GmbH,
  • Pipedrive OÜ,
  • Calypso Verlag GmbH

Online support

Assigned functions:

Service providers for web hosting, internet portals, online policy procurement, email marketing and live chat

Involved bodies / organizations:

  • Host Europe GmbH,
  • 1&1 Internet AG,
  • JMC Technologieberatung GmbH,
  • united-domains AG,
  • COREER GmbH,
  • Einmahl WebSolution GmbH,
  • emarsys eMarketing Systems GmbH,
  • Sistrix GmbH,
  • KCS Internetlösungen Kröger GmbH,
  • Userlike UG,
  • aveta | David Cürten,
  • consentmanager GmbH,
  • SIX Payment Services (Europe) S.A.,
  • OMQ GmbH,
  • Flixcheck GmbH,
  • igroup Internetagentur GmbH & Co. KG

Credit bureaus, address brokers

Assigned functions:

Collection of information during the application stage, claims management

Involved bodies / organizations:

Individual assignments

Disposal companies

Assigned functions:

Disposal of files and data media, document destruction

Involved bodies / organizations:

Individual assignments

If required we will send you all contact details of our service providers.